About Deborahs Arising
Deborahs Arising is a ministry for women and by women. We see that God is on the move to heal the wounds of women who have been abused, neglected and under-appreciated. His intention is to raise up a mighty army of women who will advance the Kingdom of God in whatever sphere of influence they have. Not every woman is called to change the world but each of us can change the world for someone. Our influence matters and God is lighting the way for us to use it powerfully in this season. We believe it is God’s timing for women to be awakened to their purpose. We want to help every woman, young and old, single or married to discover the special calling on their lives, along with their unique gifts and abilities.
The name of our ministry comes from The Bible, in Judges 5:7. In that time, the people of God had been under the cruel oppression of an enemy for 20 years and were frightened to go about their daily business. They were ruled over by Deborah, who was a judge and also a prophetess. God spoke to her that it was time to go, along with the commander of their army and defeat their enemy. She said,
“The peasantry ceased, they ceased in Israel,
Until I, Deborah, arose,
Until I arose, a mother in Israel.”
When a woman becomes aware of the calling God has on her life and arises to respond to it, powerful things are released that can shift a family, a community, and even a nation.
Deborahs Arising exists to support and resource women for the task we have individually and corporately been called to accomplish. We do this by holding online and in-person conferences, posting inspirational content online, and providing teaching resources, books, music. We believe everyone has been given a place of influence and we want to equip you to become spiritually powerful, supernaturally courageous and practically effective. We pray that you will be strengthened in your identity and passionate in your purpose. We invite you to join us and encourage others to join us too!

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Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don’t miss any of our exciting, empowering content. We know you’ll be encouraged and equipped to step into all that God destined for you to be.